Fyros Ring


Fyros Ring

Origin: B Burning Desert
Quality: ✩ 80
Stack: 🔓 1 piece
Bulk: ⚫ 2,000
Hit Points: ♥ 159/159
Group: G Equipment
Category: C Jewels
Type: U Rings
Color: R Red
Univentory: ⛹ Troublesome Fyros Ring
Last update: ◴ 2024-05-18, 22:10:15
Publisher: ✩ Leader Talaozufia
Publisher's guild: ⛉ I Lotei di Taunemine
Weight: ● 0.15 46.682 %
Cold: ❇ +7 % 95.476 %
Electricity: ⚡ +6 % 86.212 %
Acid: ⚗ +5 % 64.594 %
Max. Absorbed: ● +40 100 %
Desert: ● +6.0 74.476 %
Forest: ● +6.0 74.476 %
Jungle: ● +6.0 74.476 %
HP Bonus: ● 45 112.5 %

Watchdog: icfjr


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