Living Wod Buckler


Matis Living Buckler

Origin: V Verdant Heights
Quality: ✩ 150
Stack: 🔓 1 keken
Bulk: ⚫ 5,000
Hit Points: ♥ 32/295
Group: G Equipment
Category: C Armors
Type: U Bucklers
Color: 4 Blue
Univentory: ⛹ Moniq's training buckler
Last update: ◴ 2024-05-18, 22:42:28
Publisher: ✩ High Officer Moniq
Publisher's guild: ⛉ Phaedreas Tears
Weight: ● 2.01 65.908 %
Dodge Modifier: ● +16 76.586 %
Parry Modifier: ● +20 100 %
Protection Factor: ● 10.48 % 61.941 %
Max. vs Slash: ● 54 51.264 %
Max. vs Smash: ● 63 76.586 %
Max. vs Pierce: ● 63 76.586 %
HP Bonus: ● 75 100 %

Watchdog: icmsbl


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ℹ You have currently no active watchdog records for this item sheet ID.