German: Gaming specific terms

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Translators: Craftjenn, Dorothee, Elke, Moniq, Zo'rro-Argh

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✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Abonenten subs suscriptor abonnés   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete bio bio bio bio   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Boost boost boost boost   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Bug bug bug bug   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete BW PW PV VP   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Danke Thanks Gracias Merci   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete ele ele ele off   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete ele elem ele off   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete gern geschehen yw ¡De nada! de rien   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete getan done hecho fait   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete GH gh GH GH   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete HP HP pv pv   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Lag lag lag lag   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete lol lol mdr mdr   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Mob mob mob mob   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete MV amps amplis amplis   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete NPC NPC PNJ PNJ   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete OOC OOC OoC HRP   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Pat KP pat pat   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Reittier mount tub toub   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Ruhm fame fama renommée   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete spawnen spawn engendrar poper   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete spawnt spawned engendro popé   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Stanza stanza stanza stanza   Gaming specific terms
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete TP TP TP TP   Gaming specific terms
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