Russian: Factions, nations, tribes, bandits

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Translators: Craftjenn, Dorothee, Elke, Moniq, Zo'rro-Argh

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✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Заклейменные Пламенем Heißsporne Firebrands Instigadores Sanguins   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Копатели Оазиса Brunnengräber Oasis Diggers Excavadores de Oasis Puisatiers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Аколиты Зла
Magicians of Malice Magicians of Malice Magos de la Malicia Magicians of Malice   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Акробаты Муз
Muse Tumblers Muse Tumblers Vasos/Malabarista de la Musa Muse Tumblers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Алые Бездельники
Scarlet Loafers Scarlet Loafers Mocasines Escarlata Scarlet Loafers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Амазонки Мертвого Семени Matis-Amazonen Hamazans of the Dead Seed Amazonas de la Semilla Muerta Amazones Matis   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Ангелы Драконова Огня
Dragonfire Angels Dragonfire Angels Ángeles del Dragón de Fuego Dragonfire Angels   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Антиками Antikami Antikamis Antikamis Antékamis   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Банда Глушителей
Silencers Silencers Silenciadores Silencers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Банда Зверообразных
Beastie Bandits Beastie Bandits Bandidos Bestias Beastie Bandits   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Банда Тени Shadow Bandits Shadow Bandits Bandidos de las Sombras Shadow Bandits   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Бандиты Каньона
Canyon Outlaws Canyon Outlaws Forajidos del Canon Canyon Outlaws   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Бандиты Лесистых Дюн
Bandits of the Wooded Dunes Bandits of the Wooded Dunes Bandidos de las Dunas Arboladas Bandits of the Wooded Dunes   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Бегущие-в-Тени Schattenschmuggler Shadow Runners Traficantes de Sombras Trafiquants des Ombres   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Безбашенные Девки
Madding Maids Madding Maids Criadas Enloquecedoras Madding Maids   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Беззаконники Gesetzlose Lawless Sin Ley Sans Loi   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Безумцы Гуу Erleuchtete des Goo Goo Heads Cabezas de Goo Illuminés   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Белокурые бестии
Flaxen Fiends Flaxen Fiends Demonios del Lino Flaxen Fiends   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Беспощадные Рубаки
Savage Slashers Savage Slashers Acuchilladores Salvajes Savage Slashers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Бесшабашные Рубаки
Hothead Hackers Hothead Hackers Piratas informáticos de Cabeza Caliente Hothead Hackers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Болотная Бригада
Mire Mates Mire Mates Compañeros del Fango Mire Mates   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Братство Запугивающих
Browbeat Brothers Browbeat Brothers Hermanos Intimidadores/Atemorizadores Browbeat Brothers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Бродяги из Подворотни
Alleyway Strays Alleyway Strays Perros Callejeros Alleyway Strays   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Буканьеры
Buccaneers Buccaneers Bucaneros Buccaneers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Великолепные Стэйвоны
Stunning Stavons Stunning Stavons Stavons Impresionantes Stunning Stavons   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Владыки Призрачного сада
Fleeting Lords Fleeting Lords Los Señores Fugaces Fleeting Lords   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Волны Прилива
Turn of the Tide Turn of the Tide Cambio de la Marea Turn of the Tide   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Восставшие из Ада
Hell Raisers Hell Raisers Constructores del Infierno Hell Raisers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Восстановители Recycler Recoverers Recuperadores Recycleurs   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Всадники-из-Тени
Shadow Riders Shadow Riders Jinetes de las Sombras Shadow Riders   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Гвардия Вечного Древа Gemeinschaft des Ewigen Baumes Company of the Eternal Tree Compañía del Árbol Eterno Compagnie de l'Arbre Éternel   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Гиббаи Gibads Gibads Gibads Gibads   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Глаз Дракона
Eye of the Dragon Eye of the Dragon Ojo del Dragón Eye of the Dragon   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Головорезы
Cutthroats Cutthroats Degolladores Cut-throats   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Грабители Муз
Muse Muggers Muse Muggers Asaltantes de la Musa Muse Muggers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Гремучие змеи
Rattlers Rattlers Cascabeles Rattlers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Грешники из Чащоб
Wicked of the Woods Wicked of the Woods Malvado de los Bosques Wicked of the Woods   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Громилы Пайра
Pyr Crushers Pyr Crushers Trituradores de Pyr Pyr Crushers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Губители Пограничья
Border Blights Border Blights Plagas de la Frontera Border Blights   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Гуляки
Spleen Busters Spleen Busters Bazo/mal humor Busters Spleen Busters   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Длинные Ножи
Slashing Slathes Slashing Slathes Cuchillada Slashing Slathes Slashing Slathes   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Драконистые Парни
Dragon Dudes Dragon Dudes Amigos del Dragón Dragon Dudes   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Драконы Дайрона
Dyron Dragons Dyron Dragons Dragones de Dyron Dyron Dragons   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Древние Дриады Alte Dryaden Ancient Dryads Dríadas Antiguos Dryades   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Дубильщики утесов
Cliff Tanners Cliff Tanners Curtidores del Acantilado Cliff Tanners   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Душители Нексуса Nexus Stranglers Nexus Stranglers Estranguladores de Nexus Nexus Stranglers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Дыхание Дракона
Dragon Breath Dragon Breath Aliento de Dragón Dragon Breath   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Живодеры Кристабелла Crystabell Skinners Cristabell Skinners Peleteros de Cristabell Cristabell Skinners   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Жнецы Сэпа Sapsammler Sap Gleaners Recolectores de Savia Sèves Sèches   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
✍ Edit ✍ Clone ☒ Delete Загребающие Сэп
Sap Rakers Sap Rakers Rastreros de la Savia Sap Rakers   Factions, nations, tribes, bandits
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