Atys: Hunter

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Atys is a living planet that is growing all the time. It is composed of multiple layers: the crust being the ground level, and beneath that are the twisting passages of the Prime Roots that stretch below the surface, and below that are the core levels. Above the surface is a network of huge branches, the canopy that extends towards the sky gradually forming another layer that will eventually become the new surface of Atys. The lands that are explored by homins are only a small portion of the surface of Atys, and a small portion of the Upper Prime Roots. No homin has ever set foot in the deeper levels of the Prime Roots, in the Core, or on the Canopies. Nevertheless the known regions of the world have widely varying ecosystems already.

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Known homins

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Name Allegiance Located Required rite Karavan fame Kami fame Fyros fame Matis fame Tryker fame Zorai fame Tribe fame
☒ Aekos Tindix ⛉ Kitin Gatherers ⏧ Kitin Gatherers campsite at Elusive Forest   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Aetis Abygrian ♦ Fyros ⏧ Pyr   - - - 0 or higher - - - -
☒ Aniero Anini ♣ Matis ⏧ Yrkanis   - - - - 0 or higher - - -
☒ Ba'Arppy Breggan ⚚ Tryker ⏧ Dew Drops Karavan Altar   - - - - - 0 or higher - -
☒ Ba'Caunin Garmer ⛉ Chlorogoos ⏧ Chlorogoos campsite at Gates of Obscurity   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Ba'Duffy Dirmy ⚚ Tryker ⏧ Fairhaven   - - - - - 0 or higher - -
☒ Ba'Duffy Eoppie ⚚ Tryker ⏧ Fairhaven   - - - - - 0 or higher - -
☒ Be'Marrel Deppan ⛉ Ecowarriors ⏧ Ecowarriors campsite at Upper Bog   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Be'Marrell Brermen ⛉ Black Circle ⏧ Black Circle campsite at Grove of Umbra   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Be'Nan Jichy ⛉ Shadow Runners ⏧ Shadow Runners campsite at Maiden Grove   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Be'Reier Gaxy ⛉ Beachcombers ⏧ Beachcombers campsite at Enchanted Isle   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Be'Riplan Jichy ⛉ Corsairs ⏧ Corsairs campsite at Liberty Lake   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Be'Teghan Gedden ⛉ Silt Sculptors ⏧ Silt Sculptors campsite at Winds of Muse   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Cai-Ci Luoi ⛉ Company of the Eternal Tree ⏧ Company of the Eternal Tree campsite at Haven of Purity   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Cenix Eubus ⛉ Goo Heads ⏧ Goo Heads campsite at Knot of Dementia   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Chiachi Frepi ⛉ Darkening Sap ⏧ Darkening Sap campsite at Heretic's Hovel   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Cibre Freni ⛉ Lawless ⏧ Lawless campsite at Outlaw Canyon   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Ciobre Lisi ⛉ Matisian Border Guards ⏧ Matisian Border Guards campsite at Knoll of Dissent   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Cuiccio Rorello ⛉ Sap Slaves ⏧ Sap Slaves campsite at Grove of Confusion   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Cuichi Rosinio ⛉ Green Seed ⏧ Wandering in Majestic Garden   - - - - - - - -
☒ Cuigio Stalli ⛉ Tutors ⏧ Tutors campsite at Haven of Purity   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Dai-Fan Mu ⛉ Sap Gleaners ⏧ Sap Gleaners campsite at Abyss of Ichor   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Desse Abygrian ⛉ Night Turners ⏧ Night Turners campsite at Windy Gate   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
☒ Deusse Xaphaan ♦ Fyros ⏧ Pyr   - - - 0 or higher - - - -
☒ Dioron Pelorus ⛉ Root Tappers ⏧ Root Tappers campsite at Under Spring   - - - - - - - 0 or higher
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