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Fyros claim to be the warrior people of Atys. Eager for adventure, fighting and hunting against people they consider worthy to defy. They are also eager for knowledge and discovery of the mysteries of Atys past. Not very fervent in nature, their relationship to religion was always shaped by their pragmatism. Most of the Fyros inhabit the Desert, inside which they established their Empire. They value Truth, Honor, Discipline and Justice. The citizenship rite allows one to become a Fyros Patriot and benefit from various assets and rewards. Their ancestral tongue is fyrk.

Emperor: Lykos
Cult: ♦ Kami
Known homins: ☺ 167 persons
Known guilds: ⛉ 43 Guild Halls
Activity: ⚑ 11 locations

Default fame


This table shows default fame to main Atys races.

Fyros: ♦ +20
Matis: ♣ -20
Tryker: ⚚ -10
Zoraï: ✫ +10

⚠ Some of details or features of this section are disabled because you need to log in first.

Fame limits


This is the table of fame limits by allegiance - minimal and maximal. Minimal possible fame for tribes is same in all cases, but minimum to High Powers and Civilizations tells you when fame might cause faction services restrictions or loss of your allegiance. While Trytonists are mostly secret society and their members are hiding across all organizations around the planet, please use the column that corresponds to your official allegiance.

Allegiance Kami Karavan Marauder Neutral Ranger       Allegiance Kami Karavan Marauder Neutral Ranger
Neutral -100 -100 -100 -100 +42       Neutral +50 +50 -50 +50 +50
Fyros +35 +35 - +35 -       Fyros +100 +100 - +100 -
Matis -100 -100 - -100 -       Matis 0 0 - 0 -
Tryker -100 -100 - -100 -       Tryker +25 +25 - +25 -
Zoraï -100 -100 - -100 -       Zoraï +75 +75 - +75 -
Minimal fame limits       Maximal fame limits