Ryzom API strings

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Module translation: Tyll

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Translators: Moniq

This is the list of strings related to selected language.

Options String key Original: English Translation: Tyll Translator Translated
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #0: api_cache_rebuilded_ko An error occurred on requesting inventory cache re-build! - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #1: api_cat_animals Animals Ymalhi Moniq 2018-10-28, 14:39:48
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #2: api_module_apartment Apartment Bayl Moniq 2018-11-01, 22:16:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #3: app_api_key API key - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #4: rygreg_edit_api_key_help API key is optional but allows some automated functions - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #5: app_require_topic API key requirements - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #6: unv_account_tb_API_keys API keys - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #7: app_api_module API Module - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #8: app_api_section API Section - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #9: api_cache_rebuild_ask Are you sure you want to force cache update? - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #10: app_api_cache_lifetime Cache Lifetime - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #11: app_about_API_category Category - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #12: api_cat_character Character - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #13: api_character Character - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #14: api_module_characteristics Characteristics - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #15: app_about_API_code Code - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #16: app_about_API_wiki_hint Display more details on Ryzom API wiki via HTTP, no styles in IG browser - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #17: app_api_key_hint Enter API key string - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #18: rygreg_edit_api_key_hint Enter guild API key - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #19: api_module_faction_points Faction points - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #20: api_module_fame Fame - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #21: api_cache_rebuild_hint Force cache re-build - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #22: app_api_key_module_g03 G03 module - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #23: app_api_Get_key Get API key - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #24: fa_oper_Given_API_key_not_valid_keep Given API key is not valid. Previous setting will be kept. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #25: api_guild Guild - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #26: api_cat_guild Guild - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #27: rygreg_edit_api_key Guild API key - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #28: api_check_gkey_invalid Guild API key seems invalid - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #29: api_check_gkey_ok Guild API key seems valid - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #30: api_guilds Guilds - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #31: app_action_import_api Import from API - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #32: app_api_help insert valid personal API key, a string starting with letter "c" - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #33: api_module_inventory Inventory - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #34: unv_oper_Character_key_invalid is not valid character API key. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #35: fa_pk_no_data It seems that the API key you inserted does not provide any fame data. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #36: api_module_items_on_sale Items on sale - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #37: api_module_location Location Plak Moniq 2018-11-01, 23:08:36
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #38: api_module_members_list Members list - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #39: app_about_API_module Module name - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #40: api_check_module_ok Module {Module} is included - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #41: api_check_module_missing Module {Module} is missing - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #42: api_module_motd MOTD - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #43: fa_oper_New_API_key_saved New API key has been saved. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #44: api_check_gkey_missing No Guild API key - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #45: api_module_occupations Occupations - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #46: app_about_API Personal and guild API keys - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #47: api_cat_progress Progress - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #48: api_module_public Public - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #49: api_module_pvp_points PvP points - -
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