
100 % translated
36/36 strings

Blablator is a dummy brute-force translator between real languages and Atys ones. It is based on fragments of Blablatys database and the amount of translations available is low. See Dictionary for browse what is this tool based up on.

Module translation: English

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Translators: Moniq

This is the list of strings related to selected language.

Options String key Original: English Translation: English Translator Translated
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #0: bbtor_op_Empty_block_text You have to insert non-empty block of text in selected language as the source to translate from. You have to insert non-empty block of text in selected language as the source to translate from. Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #1: bbtor_api_gen_url URL URL Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #2: bbtor_op_Translation_performed Translation has been performed… Translation has been performed… Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #3: bbtor_api_ex_a Translate "Void" term from English into French and display as plain text: Translate "Void" term from English into French and display as plain text: Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #4: bbtor_api_ex_c Translate "Vier Wege" term from German into English and create on English Ryzom Wiki: Translate "Vier Wege" term from German into English and create on English Ryzom Wiki: Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #5: bbtor_api_ex_b Translate "Désert Ardent" term from French into German and display in Blablator: Translate "Désert Ardent" term from French into German and display in Blablator: Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #6: bbtor_live_to_name To To Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #7: bbtor_api_desc This script gives you access to Blablator translation functions and can be used by external tools to look for translations in the whole Lang App database. Same restrictions are applied as for the original Blablator. You can use 4 parameters to manage this … This script gives you access to Blablator translation functions and can be used by external tools to look for translations in the whole Lang App database. Same restrictions are applied as for the original Blablator. You can use 4 parameters to manage this … Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #8: bbtor_live_name Text translation Text translation Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #9: bbtor_api_d_src Source language as two-letter ISO 639-1 code Source language as two-letter ISO 639-1 code Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #10: bbtor_op_Same_languages Source and Target languages are the same! Source and Target languages are the same! Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #11: bbtor_live_desc Select language of source text in left field and choose language for translation on the right side. Then pres button in the middle to perform translation. Limit is 70 words. Select language of source text in left field and choose language for translation on the right side. Then pres button in the middle to perform translation. Limit is 70 words. Moniq 2018-11-02, 17:20:59
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #12: bbtor_api_d_target Script target / output Script target / output Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #13: bbtor_api_d_Parameter Parameter Parameter Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #14: bbtor_module_hint Open Blablator translation interface Open Blablator translation interface Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #15: bbtor_api_hint Open API script with description Open API script with description Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #16: bbtor_api_gen_title Link generator Link generator Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #17: bbtor_op_Long_block_text Inserted block of text is too long. Due to small dictionary pool it takes longer to find a translation so length of text has been shortened. Inserted block of text is too long. Due to small dictionary pool it takes longer to find a translation so length of text has been shortened. Moniq 2018-11-13, 01:19:06
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #18: bbtor_api_d_term Insert string you wish to translate Insert string you wish to translate Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #19: bbtor_live_found_name Identified: Identified: Moniq 2018-11-02, 17:07:19
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #20: bbtor_op_Invalid_languages Given source or target language key is not valid! Given source or target language key is not valid! Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #21: bbtor_api_gen_button Generate Generate Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #22: bbtor_live_from_name From From Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #23: bbtor_api_ex_name Examples Examples Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #24: bbtor_api_d_dst Destination language as two-letter ISO 639-1 code Destination language as two-letter ISO 639-1 code Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #25: bbtor_anal_desc Colors above helps you analyze which part were successfully translated. Green color indicates translated fragments, red fragments without any known translation. Colors above helps you analyze which part were successfully translated. Green color indicates translated fragments, red fragments without any known translation. Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #26: bbtor_module_desc Blablator is a dummy brute-force translator between real languages and Atys ones. It is based on fragments of Blablatys database and the amount of translations available is low. See Dictionary for browse what is this tool based up on. Blablator is a dummy brute-force translator between real languages and Atys ones. It is based on fragments of Blablatys database and the amount of translations available is low. See Dictionary for browse what is this tool based up on. Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #27: bbtor_api_name Blablator API Blablator API Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #28: bbtor_module_name Blablator Blablator Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #29: bbtor_api_d_term_op Any text string up to 70 words Any text string up to 70 words Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #30: bbtor_anal_name Analysis Analysis Moniq 2017-10-02, 18:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #31: bbtor_api_d_dst_op (role-play language or first in list) (role-play language or first in list) Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #32: bbtor_api_d_target_plain (returns plain text in UTF-8) (returns plain text in UTF-8) Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #33: bbtor_api_d_target_blablator (display in Blablator) (display in Blablator) Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #34: bbtor_api_d_target_wiki (create on Ryzom Wiki) (create on Ryzom Wiki) Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #35: bbtor_api_d_src_op (autodetected) (autodetected) Moniq 2018-12-27, 11:00:18
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