
0 % translated
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DeepList database contains terms that will be used as a list to prevent wrong DeepL translations. Please consult new terms with Category: Tools for Translation on Ryzom Wiki.

Module translation: Mateis

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This is the list of strings related to selected language.

Options String key Original: English Translation: Mateis Translator Translated
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #100: oper_import_Unable_truncate_import Unable to empty the import database! - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #101: oper_import_Unable_import_terms Unable to import new terms into language database! - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #102: l10n_deeplist_filter_other_desc Use following options for additional form settings. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #103: l10n_term_import_desc Use the following form to upload a file with translations saved in CSV (Comma Separated Values). Please note that this feature will not work while using this application in-game. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #104: l10n_term_export_url_desc Use the following link to access exported data directly. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #105: ldb_category_filter_desc Use these options to customize details shown in table with translation categories. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #106: l10n_string_delete_desc Use this form to delete all translations of the selected string. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #107: l10n_term_export_desc Use this form to setup parameters and export language database table into external file. Please note that you will be unable to download the file while using this application in-game. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #108: ldb_export_info_Simulation_only You are unable to download exported file while using this tool in-game. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #109: l10n_term_action_empty_desc You can use this form to remove all previously created records in your import database. This will allow you to start the import process over. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #110: l10n_term_check_desc You have successfully imported file with translations and data are stored in the import database. Please select destination and review identified strings below before you continue. - -
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