String search

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Use this form to search all strings in database. Strings with green background are in use, strings with yellow background are fuzzy and need some more work. Missing translations have red backgrond. You must search for at least 3 characters long string. Searching is not case sensitive.

⚠ Not all languages are displayed due to your filter settings.

🔎 String to search:

Module * German * English * Spanish * French * Fyrk * Marund * Mateis * Taki * Tyll
B Blablatys raw import (no translation) The Blessing (no translation) La Bénédiction (no translation) (no translation) Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
G Greetings Hi Hi (no translation) Salut (no translation) Banarc Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
B Blablatys raw import (no translation) The Blessing (no translation) La Bénédiction (no translation) (no translation) Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
B Blablatys raw import (no translation) The Blessing (no translation) La Bénédiction (no translation) (no translation) Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
N Nouns (no translation) (untranslated; fr=[La Bénédiction]) (no translation) La Bénédiction (no translation) (no translation) Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
B Blablatys raw import (no translation) (untranslated; fr=[Béninir]) (no translation) Béninir (no translation) (no translation) Aiyeis (no translation) (no translation)
B Blablatys raw import (no translation) (untranslated; fr=[Béninir]) (no translation) Béninir (no translation) (no translation) Aiyeis (no translation) (no translation)
B Blablatys raw import (no translation) (untranslated; fr=[Béninir]) (no translation) Béninir (no translation) (no translation) Aiyeis (no translation) (no translation)
V Verbs (no translation) To bless (no translation) Bénir (no translation) (no translation) Aiyeis (no translation) (no translation)
G Greetings Sei gegrüßt Greetings (no translation) Salutation (no translation) (no translation) Deles Aiye Ata (no translation)
S Strings to remove (no translation) Greetings (a bit less formal than Deles silam, but still more formal than Aiya) (no translation) Salutations (un peu moins formel que Deles silam mais plus soutenu que Aiya) (no translation) (no translation) Deles Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
S Strings to remove (no translation) Greetings (a bit less formal than Deles silam, but still more formal than Aiya) (no translation) Salutations (un peu moins formel que Deles silam mais plus soutenu que Aiya) (no translation) (no translation) Deles Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
S Strings to remove (no translation) Greetings (a bit less formal than Deles silam, but still more formal than Aiya) (no translation) Salutations (un peu moins formel que Deles silam mais plus soutenu que Aiya) (no translation) (no translation) Deles Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
G Greetings Sei gegrüßt (etwas informeller als Deles silam, aber immer noch formeller als Aiya) Greetings (a bit less formal than Deles silam, but still more formal than Aiya) (no translation) Salutations (un peu moins formel que Deles silam mais plus soutenu que Aiya) (no translation) (no translation) Deles Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
S Strings to remove (no translation) (untranslated; fr=[Que Jena te bénisse]) (no translation) Que Jena te bénisse (no translation) (no translation) Jena Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
S Strings to remove (no translation) (untranslated; fr=[Que Jena te bénisse]) (no translation) Que Jena te bénisse (no translation) (no translation) Jena Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
L Literal translation (no translation) May Jena bless you (no translation) Que Jena te bénisse (no translation) (no translation) Jena Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
G Greetings (no translation) May Jena bless you (no translation) Que Jena te bénisse (no translation) (no translation) Jena Aiye (no translation) (no translation)
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