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A Atys skills (no translation) 1 Handed Melee Weapon Crafting (no translation) Création d'armes de mêlée à une main (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) 1 Handed Range Weapon Crafting (no translation) Création d'armes de tir a une main (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) 2 Handed Axe Crafting (no translation) Création de hache à deux mains (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) 2 Handed Mace Crafting (no translation) Création de masse à deux mains (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) 2 Handed Melee Weapon Crafting (no translation) Création d'arme de mêlée à deux mains (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) 2 Handed Range Weapon Crafting (no translation) Création d'arme de tir à deux mains (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) 2 Handed Sword Crafting (no translation) Création d'épée à deux mains (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Advanced Anklet Crafting (no translation) Artisan Avancé en anneaux de cheville (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Advanced Bracelet Crafting (no translation) Artisan Avancé en Bracelet (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Advanced Diadem Crafting (no translation) Artisan Avancé en Diadème (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Advanced Earring Crafting (no translation) Artisan Avancé en Boucle d'oreille (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Advanced Magic Amplifier Crafting (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Advanced Pendant Crafting (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Advanced Ring Crafting (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Anklet Crafting (no translation) Fabrication de bracelet de cheville (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk-Munition Armilo-Duk Ammo Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Munición Armilo-Duk Outil de création de munitions Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk-Munition Armilo-Duk Ammo Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Munición Armilo-Duk Outils de création de munitions Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Rüstungen Armilo-Duk Armor Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Armadura Armilo-Duk Outil de création d'armures Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Rüstungen Armilo-Duk Armor Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Armadura Armilo-Duk Outils de création d'armures Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Schmuck Armilo-Duk Jewel Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Joya Armilo-Duk Outil de création de bijoux Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Schmuck Armilo-Duk Jewel Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Joya Armilo-Duk Outils de création de bijoux Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Nahkampfwaffen Armilo-Duk Melee Weapon Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Armas de Lucha Cuerpo a Cuerpo Armilo-Duk Outil de création d'armes de mêlée Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Nahkampfwaffen Armilo-Duk Melee Weapon Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Armas de Lucha Cuerpo a Cuerpo Armilo-Duk Outils de création d'armes de mêlée Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Schusswaffen Armilo-Duk Range Weapon Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Armas de Alcance Armilo-Duk Range Outil de création d'armes de tir Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Duk Schusswaffen Armilo-Duk Range Weapon Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Armas de Alcance Armilo-Duk Range Outils de création d'armes de tir Armilo-Duk (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen-Munition Armilo-Jen Ammo Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Munición Armilo-Jen Outil de création de munitions Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen-Munition Armilo-Jen Ammo Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Munición Armilo-Jen Outils de création de munitions Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Rüstungen Armilo-Jen Armor Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Armadura Armilo-Jen Outil de création d'armures Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Rüstungen Armilo-Jen Armor Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Armadura Armilo-Jen Outils de création d'armures Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Schmuck Armilo-Jen Jewel Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Joya Armilo-Jen Outil de création de bijoux Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Schmuck Armilo-Jen Jewel Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Joya Armilo-Jen Outils de création de bijoux Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Nahkampfwaffen Armilo-Jen Melee Weapon Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Armas de Lucha Cuerpo a Cuerpo Armilo-Jen Outil de création d'armes de mêlée Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Nahkampfwaffen Armilo-Jen Melee Weapon Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Armas de Lucha Cuerpo a Cuerpo Armilo-Jen Outils de création d'armes de mêlée Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Schusswaffen Armilo-Jen Range Weapon Crafting Tool Herramienta para Fabricar Armas de Alcance Armilo-Jen Outil de création d'armes de tir Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Werkzeug für Armilo-Jen Schusswaffen Armilo-Jen Range Weapon Crafting Tools Herramientas para Fabricar Armas de Alcance Armilo-Jen Outils de création d'armes de tir Armilo-Jen (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Armor Crafting (no translation) Fabrication d'armure (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
L Letter App (no translation) As your Crafting skills grow, you realize you are able to write pretty nice. (no translation) Vos compétences en artisanat ont augmenté. Vous réalisez que votre écriture devient plus belle. (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Autolauncher Crafting (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Axe Crafting (no translation) Fabrication de hache (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
K KC support (no translation) Basic Quality Crafting plan (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Bracelet Crafting (no translation) Fabrication de bracelet (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Buckler Crafting (no translation) Fabrication de bouclier (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys skills (no translation) Close Combat Weapon Crafting (no translation) Fabrication d'armes de combat rapproché (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
C Character related strings Handwerk Crafting (no translation) Artisanat ulyak (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
K KC support (no translation) Crafting plan (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
K KC support (no translation) Crafting plan filter (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys model (no translation) Crafting plans (no translation) Plans d’artisanat (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys model (no translation) Crafting tool boost (no translation) Outil de Craft boosté (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Munitions-Werkzeuge Crafting Tool for Ammo Herramienta de Fabricación para Munición Outils de création de munitions (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Munitions-Werkzeug Crafting Tool for Ammo Munición de Herramienta de Fabricación Outil de création de munitions (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
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