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L Letter App (no translation) All the label writing when you practice the Larvester occupation made you to develop a precise hand writing. (no translation) L'écriture d' étiquettes que vous avez faites en pratiquant le métier de Larviculteur vous a fait développer une façon d'écrire particulière. (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Larvisten-Lehrlinge Apprentice Larvester aprendiz de criador de larvas Apprentie Larvicultrice (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Larvisten-Lehrling Apprentice Larvester aprendiz de criador de larvas Apprenti Larviculteur (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings Gleich hinter dem Eingang zum Nest ist die einzige Zone, die sicher ist. Dort sind 7 Ranger-Wächter stationiert, 5 Nahkämpfer und 2 Magier. Sie helfen jedem Homin, der sich im Kampf befindlich zu ihnen flüchtet, und sind auch stark genug es mit jedem Gegner aufzunehmen. Ana Ryon, Lano Fergoto und Xan Mi-Chong sind auch im Eingangsbereich zu finden. Ana Ryon gibt die Kincher und Kizoar Riten heraus und kümmert sich um die Larven, die ihr während der Ausübung des Larvisten-Beruf gebracht werden. Lano Fergoto, nimmt auch Larven während der Larvisten-Ausübung entgegen, wohingegen Xan Mi Chong Larven für die Ausübung des Papiermacher-Beruf annimmt. Just behind the entrance of the lair is the only section that's safe. There are 7 Ranger guards here, 5 melee and 2 mages, that will assist any player who is under attack at the entrance and who can handle pretty much anything you can pull at them. Ana Ryon, Lano Fergoto and Xan Mi Chong are also at the entrance. Ana Ryon gives out the Kizoar and Kincher rites, and takes in larva as part of the Larvester occupation. Lano Fergoto also takes in larva as part of the Larvester occupation, while Xan Mi Chong takes in larva as part of the Scrollmaker occupation. (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
O Occupations (no translation) Larvester (no translation) Larviculteur (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
O Occupations (no translation) Larvester is one of the 8 occupations, and one of the 2 taught by the Tryker. Of those two, it is the harder profession, taking you to the Kitins' Lair. It mostly involves harvesting the kitin larva down there and turning them in to be made fit for consumption. The consumables created by this occupation give a bonus to focus regeneration. (no translation) Larviculteur est l'un des 8 métiers, et un des 2 enseignés par les Tryker. Des 2 métiers matis c'est le plus difficile, car se passe dans la Kittinière (ou Nid des Kittins). Il s'agit principalement de forer des larves de kittin dans les souterrains, et de les transformer en produits consommables, donnant par la suite un consommable qui donne un bonus à la régénération de la concentration. (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys model (no translation) Larvester occupation (no translation) Métier de larviculteur (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
H Homin role/title strings Larvisten-Meisterin Master Larvester (no translation) Maitre Larviculteur (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
O Occupations (no translation) Occupation of Larvester (no translation) Métier de Larviculteur (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
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