String search

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Use this form to search all strings in database. Strings with green background are in use, strings with yellow background are fuzzy and need some more work. Missing translations have red backgrond. You must search for at least 3 characters long string. Searching is not case sensitive.

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🔎 String to search:

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I Inventory items vorzügliches Allzweck-Rohmaterial (schwarz) Choice Generic Raw material (Black) Materia Prima Genérica de Selección (Negra) Matière première générique de choix (Noir) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items vorzügliches Allzweck-Rohmaterial (blau) Choice Generic Raw material (Blue) Materia Prima Genéricas de Selección (Azul) Matière première générique de choix (Bleu) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items vorzügliches Allzweck-Rohmaterial (Grün) Choice Generic Raw material (Green) Materia Prima Genérica Selección (Verde) Matière première générique de choix (Vert) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items vorzügliches Allzweck-Rohmaterial (Violett) Choice Generic Raw material (Purple) Materia Prima Genérica de Selección (Purpura) Matière première générique de choix (Violet) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items vorzügliches Allzweck-Rohmaterial (Rot) Choice Generic Raw material (Red) Materia Prima Genérica de Selección (Roja) Matière première générique de choix (Rouge) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items vorzügliches Allzweck-Rohmaterial (Türkis) Choice Generic Raw material (Turquoise) Materia Prima Genérico de Selección (Turquesa) Matière première générique de choix (Turquoise) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items vorzügliches Allzweck-Rohmaterial (Weiß) Choice Generic Raw material (White) Materia Prima Genérica de Selección (Blanco) Matière première générique de choix (Blanche) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items exzellenter schwarzer Rohstoff Excellent Generic Raw material (Black) Materia prima negra excelente Matière première générique excellente noir (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items exzellenter blauer Rohstoff Excellent Generic Raw material (Blue) Materia prima azul excelente Matière première générique excellente bleu (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items exzellenter grüner Rohstoff Excellent Generic Raw material (Green) Materia prima verde excelente Matière première générique excellente verte (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items exzellenter violetter Rohstoff Excellent Generic Raw material (Purple) Materia prima morada excelente Matière première générique excellente violette (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items exzellenter roter Rohstoff Excellent Generic Raw material (Red) Materia prima roja excelente Matière première générique excellente rouge (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items exzellenter türkisfarbener Rohstoff Excellent Generic Raw material (Turquoise) Materia prima turquesa excelente Matière première générique excellente turquoise (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items exzellenter weißer Rohstoff Excellent Generic Raw material (White) Material bruto excelente blanco Matière première excellente blanche (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items (no translation) Gives 5% chance that one of the Raw material sources of a prospect appears without explosion risk. (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items (no translation) Gives 5% chance that one of the Raw material sources of a prospect appears without explosion risk. (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items perfekter schwarzer Rohstoff Perfect Generic Raw material (Black) Materia prima Negra adicional Matière première générique parfaite noir (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items perfekter blauer Rohstoff Perfect Generic Raw material (Blue) Materia prima Azul adicional Matière première générique parfaite bleu (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items perfekter grüner Rohstoff Perfect Generic Raw material (Green) Materia prima Verde adicional Matière première générique parfaite verte (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items perfekter violetter Rohstoff Perfect Generic Raw material (Purple) Materia prima Morada adicional Matière première générique parfaite violette (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items perfekter roter Rohstoff Perfect Generic Raw material (Red) Materia prima Roja adicional Matière première générique parfaite rouge (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items perfekter türkisfarbener Rohstoff Perfect Generic Raw material (Turquoise) Materia prima Turquesa adicional Matière première générique parfaite turquoise (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items perfekter weißer Rohstoff Perfect Generic Raw material (White) Materia prima Blanca adicional Matière première générique parfaite blanche (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
N Nouns (no translation) Raw material (no translation) Matières Premières (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) May
I Inventory items Rohstoff-Akkreditierung Raw material Accreditation Acreditación de Materia Prima Habilitation de matières premières (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Rohstoff-Akkreditierungen Raw material Accreditations Acreditaciones de Materias Primas Habilitations de matières premières (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
S Special Atys locations Rohmaterial-Lager Raw material deposit Deposito de Materia Prima Lieu de forage (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
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