String search

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Use this form to search all strings in database. Strings with green background are in use, strings with yellow background are fuzzy and need some more work. Missing translations have red backgrond. You must search for at least 3 characters long string. Searching is not case sensitive.

⚠ Not all languages are displayed due to your filter settings.

🔎 String to search:

Module * German * English * Spanish * French * Fyrk * Marund * Mateis * Taki * Tyll
G Gaming specific terms MV amps amplis amplis (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Alten Dryaden im Hain der Verwirrung Ancient Dryads campsite at Grove of Confusion (no translation) Campement des Anciennes Dryades au Bosquet de la Confusion (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Antikami im Hain von Umbra Anti-Kamis campsite at Grove of Umbra (no translation) Campement AnteKami au Bosquet de l'Ombre (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager des Dörren Matis in der Versteckten Quelle Arid Matis campsite at Hidden Source (no translation) Campement des Matis Arides à la Source Cachée (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Avalae Charmers campsite at Majestic Garden (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Rindengräber in den Sägemehlminen Barkers campsite at Sawdust Mines (no translation) Campement des Percécorce aux Mines de Sciure (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Gischtläufer in der Verzauberten Insel Beachcombers campsite at Enchanted Isle (no translation) Campement de Déferlants sur l'Ile Enchantée (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager des Schwarzer Kreises im Hain von Umbra Black Circle campsite at Grove of Umbra (no translation) Campement du Cercle Noir au Bosquet de l'Ombre (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Border Blights campsite at Majestic Garden (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
F Fame Tracker Lagerstätte oder Stadt Campsite or city Campamento o ciudad Campement ou ville (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Canyon Creepers campsite at Frahar Towers (no translation) Camp des Canyon Creepers, aux Tours de Frahar (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
S Special Atys locations Slaveni-Feld Slaveni Fields Campos de Slavenis Champs de Slavenis (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Chlorogoos im Tor der Dunkelheit Chlorogoos campsite at Gates of Obscurity (no translation) Campement des Chlorogoos à la Porte de l'Obscurité (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Chlorogoos campsite by Shining Lake (no translation) Camp des Chlorogoos, au Lac étincelant (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Kakerlaken in der Versunkenen Stadt Cockroaches campsite at Sunken City (no translation) Campement de Cancrelats dans la Cité Engloutie (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Gemeinschaft des Ewigen Baumes im Hafen der Reinheit Company of the Eternal Tree campsite at Haven of Purity (no translation) Campement de la Compagnie de l'Arbre Eternel au Havre de la Pureté (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Gemeinschaft des Ewigen Baumes im Nexus Company of the Eternal Tree campsite at Nexus Minor (no translation) Campement de la Compagnie de l'Arbre Eternel au Nexus Mineur (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Korsaren im See der Freiheit Corsairs campsite at Liberty Lake (no translation) Campement des Corsaires au lac de la Liberté (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Cristabell Skinners campsite at Liberty Lake (no translation) Camp des Cristabell Skinners dans le Lac de la Liberté (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Cuzane in den Lagunen von Loria Cuzans campsite at Lagoons of Loria (no translation) Campement de Cuzans aux Lagons de Loria (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager vom Matiagoo (Verdunkelnd. Sap) in Ketzers Hütte Darkening Sap campsite at Heretic's Hovel (no translation) Campement des Matisagoo à la Masure Hérétique (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Davae's Clutch campsite at Majestic Garden (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Deadened Eyes campsite at Majestic Garden (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Tattoos 'Strömen in den Feldern' Streaming in the Fields (no translation) Dévalant les Champs (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items Tattoo 'Strömen in den Feldern' Streaming in the Fields Arroyo/Corriente en los Campos Dévalant les Champs (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Dragon Breath campsite at Oflovak's Oasis (no translation) Le camp des Dragon Breath, à L'Oasis d'Oflovak (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Dragonfire Angels campsite at Oflovak's Oasis (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Dünenreiter in den Wilden Dünen Dune Riders campsite at Savage Dunes (no translation) Campement des Sauvages aux Dunes Sauvages (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Dune Stalkers campsite at Imperial Dunes (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Ökokrieger im Oberen Sumpf Ecowarriors campsite at Upper Bog (no translation) Campement des Embourbés au Maris Supérieur (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
D Documentation (no translation) Write a text string you wish to translate into the left text field and select its language. Then select target language for translation and by clicking on the button in between of text fields you perform look-up for known translations. The result is displayed in the right text field.

The string translation Analysis displays, using green color, which parts of your text were were found in the database. By red are highlighted parts that were not translated.
(no translation) Écrivez une chaîne de texte que vous souhaitez traduire dans le champ de texte de gauche et sélectionnez sa langue. Sélectionnez ensuite la langue cible de la traduction et en cliquant sur le bouton situé entre les deux champs de texte, vous effectuez une recherche des traductions connues. Le résultat s'affiche dans le champ de texte de droite.

L'analyse de la traduction des chaînes de caractères affiche, en vert, les parties de votre texte qui ont été trouvées dans la base de données. En rouge, les parties non traduites sont mises en évidence.
(no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
I Inventory items dient zum Aufbau von Lagerfeuern mit Einsatz von feinem Holz und Öl Is used to set up campfires together with fine wood and oil (no translation) Est utilisé pour alumer les feux de camps avec du bois fin et de l'huile (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Firebooters campsite at Dunes of Exile (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Heißsporne in den Verbotenen Tiefen Firebrands campsite at Forbidden Depths (no translation) Campement des Sanguins aux Profondeurs Interdites (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Ersten Deserteure im Hügel der Abtrünnigen First Deserters campsite at Knoll of Dissent (no translation) Campement des Bagnards au Tertre de la Dissidence (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Fleeting Lords campsite at Majestic Garden (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Frahar Blazers campsite at Frahar towers (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Fraharjäger in den Frahar Türme Frahar Hunters campsite at Frahar Towers (no translation) Campement des Chasseurs de Frahars aux Tours Frahar (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Fraiders in der Sengenden Schlucht Fraiders campsite at Scorched Corridor (no translation) Campement des Fraiders au Couloir Brulé (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Friends of Fury campsite at Liberty Lake (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Gibads im Nichts Gibads campsite at Void (no translation) Campement des Gibads au Vide (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Erleuchteten des Goo (Goo-Köpfe) im Knoten der Demenz Goo Heads campsite at Knot of Dementia (no translation) Campement des Illuminés au Noeud de la Démence (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Grünen Samen im Majestätischen Garten Green Seed campsite at Majestic Garden (no translation) Campement des Graine Verte au Jardin Majestueux (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Grove Tyrants campsite in Grove of Confusion (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Guard Tower west to Swords of Fury campsite (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Matis-Amazonen (Hamazans) im Jungfräuliches Wäldchen Hamazans of the Dead Seed campsite at Maiden Grove (no translation) Campement des Amazones Matis au Bosquet Vierge (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) High Watchers campsite at Fleeting Garden (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
A Atys places strings (no translation) Hothead Hackers campsite at Oflovak's Oasis (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
R RyGReg Hier kann nach einer Gilde gesucht werden. Das Ergebnis wird keine geheimen Gilden enthalten. Nutze dieses Feld um nach Gilden zu suchen, die diese eingegebene Zeichenkette, unabhängig von Groß-und Kleinschreibung, im Namen enthalten. Es müssen mindestens 3 Buchstaben angegeben werden. Here you can search for a guild. It will include all guilds except secret ones. Use this field to search for a string that is 3 or more characters long. That means it will display only guilds with a string in name, searching is not case sensitive. (no translation) Ici vous pouvez rechercher une guilde. Cela inclue toutes les guildes sauf les guildes secrètes. Utilisez ce champs pour rechercher une chaine de 3 caractères ou plus. Cela signifie que seront uniquement affichées les guildes avec la chaine de caractères dans le nom, la recherche n'est pas sensible à la casse. (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
B Bandits and Tribes Lager der Ikonenschnitzer in den Städten der Einsicht Icon Worshippers campsite at Cities of Intuition (no translation) Campement des Iconodoules aux cités de l'Intuition (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
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