String search

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Use this form to search all strings in database. Strings with green background are in use, strings with yellow background are fuzzy and need some more work. Missing translations have red backgrond. You must search for at least 3 characters long string. Searching is not case sensitive.

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🔎 String to search:

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W Watchdog (no translation) defined minimal if smaller amount owned (no translation) défini comme minimum si le montant possédé est plus petit (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
D Documentation (no translation) The first step in work with the generator is to setup list of sheets you want to work with and default parameters that will be used. Check and correct following groups of options before you continue:
[h4]Item sheets[/h4]
Following options helps you to select scope of selected sheets for the list of future rules.[list][*][b]Category[/b] allows you to select a category of items you want to work with. It is a mandatory option.[*][b]Class[/b] option allows you to limit item class to one specific or include all items in the group.[*][b]Ignore not owned items[/b] option will cause that all items not actually owned by your guild will be ignored.[*][b]Reverse rule pre-selection[/b], when checked, will de-select all new rules and select all existing rules in the list of managed rules.[/list]
[h4]Default rule values[/h4]Option in this section will help you set default options for all new rules. You will be able to do specific changes in the next step.

[b]Preferred hall[/b]
This selection allows you to choose the target default guild hall where you wish to store selected items. The selection consists of dynamic list of currently available [url=?sekce=document&klic=bagapp_altgh_browse_howto]slave guild halls[/url] and following static options:
[list][*][b]No preferred hall[/b] - select this option to ignore storage preferences by default.[*][b]The hall where the most is currently stored[/b] - select this option to let the generator set the target guild hall by information where the biggest stack currently is.[/list]
[b]Minimal stack[/b]
This option allows you to set default minimal amount of stored items you wish to have. You can choose from following options:
[list][*][b]As defined[/b] will cause that the required amount for all items in the list will be set to a number defined in the following text field.[*][b]Current amount or as defined[/b] will make the generator to set minimal amount to value of currently stored items or to a number defined in the following text field (in case your guild do not currently own such item).[*][b]2x current amount or as defined[/b] option works similar as the option above just the current amount will be doubled for the rule. It might be useful if you have just few of items in the list.[/list]
[b]defined minimal if smaller amount owned[/b]
This checkbox will cause that the default minimal amount of each item will be forced to minimum set in the text field of the option above, in case there is less items currently stored.

[b]Minimal quality[/b] allows you to set default required quality for all items in the future list. You can use following options:[list][*][b]As defined[/b] will set minimal required quality to a number defined in the following text field.[*][b]Current lowest quality or as defined[/b] will let the generator to set default quality requirements to the lowest value by currently held items or to a number defined in the following text field (in case your guild do not currently own such item).[*][b]Current highest quality or as defined[/b] will let the generator to set default quality requirements to the highest value by currently held items or to a number defined in the following text field (in case your guild do not currently own such item).[/list]
[b]Required quality or higher[/b]
This checkbox will cause that the default minimal quality of each item will be forced to minimum set in the text field of the option above, in case there is only lower quality currently owned.
(no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation) (no translation)
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