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Options String key Original: English Translation: Fyrk Translator Translated
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #0: ann_shared_1 Along with the last Ryzom patch is also coming new release of new version. Several issues has been fixed and your IG usage experience should be now better. - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #1: ann_module_name Announcement - -
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #2: ann_levelapp_0 Hallo homins

I have published small application to track your skill levels progress. For now its mostly an interface to see skill levels with your API key, later data will be used in Fame tracker to check if a homin is able to do a mission b…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #3: ann_rygreg_0 Hallo homins

This is the OOC part related to the [url=]official announcement[/url] of the [url=]Book of Guilds[/url] (run [color=#3…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #4: ann_deeplist_0 Hallo homins

You all experience the automatic translation that is now available on AROUND, UNIVERSE and FORGE channels. The translation however might go very wrong in case of Ryzom specific content. To make it a little better we need create …
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #5: ann_fameapp_0 [b]What is it?[/b]
Fame tracker displays your current (and more accurate)) fame to tribes, civilizations and high powers; the main focus is on tribes. In the case a that the fame with a particular tribe has not yet been updated the default value to …
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #6: ann_langapp_1 [EN]

Hallo homins

The new version of Lang app is out. Osquallo was so kind to export the Blablatys database. I have imported all strings to Lang App and you can now browse Atys languages from a new section. The remaining probl…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #7: ann_fameapp_4 [EN]
Hallo homins


[h3]Experimental marauder fame support[/h3]
With the new Ryzom patch a real marauder fame has been added to the game. Information about the fame is not part of the …
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #8: ann_bagapp_1 [EN]
Hallo homins


[h3]Sharing inventory[/h3]
With new version of the Bag App you can now create shares based on your inventory. You can choose if selected storages are shown to speci…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #9: ann_levelapp_1 [EN]
Hallo homins


[h3]Skills and occupations progress[/h3]
Level tracker now tracks progress of your active and inactive occupations. Because of this feature API module P06 is newly …
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #10: ann_bagapp_0 [EN]
Hallo homins

I have just released Bag App, and application that allows you to browse your personal and guild inventory items available via Ryzom API.

[h3]How it works[/h3]
Application reads your inve…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #11: ann_langapp_3 [EN]
Hallo homins

I have released a new version of Lang app.

One of biggest changes for users is the new Dictionary which allows you to browse all strings in a selected Atys language that have…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #12: ann_rygreg_2 [EN]
Hallo homins

I have released a new version of RyGReg, Ryzom Guild Registry tool.

[h3]Guild profiles[/h3]
The layout of the Guild profile page has been changes. The Graph of time zones has been improved and a…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #13: ann_fameapp_1 [EN]
Hallo homins

I would like to inform you about the new version of Fame tracker tool. This release brings some changes and new features for users as well as extensions in the background that will help to enrich the tool even more i…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #14: ann_langapp_0 [EN]
Hallo homins

I would like to introduce you the Lang app, a tool we primary use to manage translations for our applications in app zone. Until now only translators were able to see the strings in database. As those applications re…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #15: ann_fameapp_3 [EN]
Hallo homins

The new version of Fame tracker has been released.

[h3]Fame limits[/h3]
You can see a table with maximal and minimal fames for every entity you can gain or loose fame with. While the maximal lim…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #16: ann_fameapp_2 [EN]
Hallo homins

The new version of Fame tracker has been released. It is a tool that displays your current (and more accurate) fame to tribes, civilizations and high powers.

[h3]What is new[/h3]
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #17: ann_langapp_2 [EN]
Hallo homins

The new version of Lang app is out. This is just a maintenance release.


[h3]Usage and installation[/h3]
You can run the application IG using command …
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #18: ann_rygreg_1 [EN]
Hallo homins

The new version of RyGReg, Ryzom Guild Registry, has been released. It has been a long time since last announcement so here are some details about recent changes.

[h3]What is new[/h3]
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #19: ann_bagapp_3 [EN]
[h1][img][/img] Bag App 0.6[/h1]

[h3]Personal item watchdog[/h3]
Bag App allows you to define watchdog rules to track amount and quality of specific item sheet.…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #20: ann_fameapp_5 [EN]
[h1][img][/img] Fame Tracker 0.9.2[/h1]


Map options newly allows to switch source to satellite version.

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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #21: ann_langapp_5 [EN]
[h1][img][/img] Lang App 0.9.1[/h1]


The only specific new addition is an [url=]API to acc…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #22: ann_letterapp_0 [EN]
[h1][img][/img] Letter App 0.2[/h1]

I have just published Letter App, a small tool to generate custom looking letter images for the role-play purposes. The applicat…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #23: ann_levelapp_2 [EN]
[h1][img][/img] Level Tracker 0.5[/h1]

[h3]Share levels with your guild[/h3]
Level Tracker allows you to share your current skill levels with other members of…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #24: ann_rygreg_4 [EN]
[h1][img][/img] RyGReg 0.9.1[/h1]


The most important one is that the interface of the [url=…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #25: ann_policy_change [EN]
[h3]About and privacy changes[/h3]
There are some new specifications in [url=]About section[/url] of this application. You should take a moment to read about information as well as…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #26: ann_shared_3 [h3]Changes shared by all applications[/h3]
The cache update mechanism, especially inventory cache in case of (multiple) guild halls, might take some serious time to complete. While you can still customize cache lifetime for each storage and affect …
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #27: ann_shared_0 [h3]Dynamic application icon[/h3]
The application is using new Ryzom app zone feature that allows to display a dynamic icon in application bar or home page. In case you are a member of a guild you should understand that by installing and using this …
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #28: ann_rygreg_3 [h3]General changes[/h3]
Guild relationships management was fixed as well as many other minor issues. There were made some improvements in guild database updates and Statistics displays graph of guilds on Atys. Graphs of activity include current mon…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #29: ann_langapp_4 [h3]General changes[/h3]
Translators workspace has been made a bit more useful again. You can use link to quick reset of your filter options. More details is displayed when browsing a module and preview of each string can be limited to specified num…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #30: ann_bagapp_2 [h3]Inventory storages[/h3]
Bagapp Customization options allows you to set lifetime of each of your inventory storage. Item recognition has new database backend and along with other improvements brings better performance.

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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #31: ann_shared_3_mt [h3]Maintenance release[/h3]
This version is mostly a maintenance release. It profits from new system features and also brings various fixes.
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #32: ann_shared_2 [h3]Role-play options[/h3]
One of important news is to allow users to enable more role-play options. With use of Blablatys database, users are allowed to select role-play language. This will create another translation layer and your application will…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #33: ann_rygreg_install [h3]Usage and installation[/h3]
You can run the application IG using command [color=#33e915]/appzone 1947[/color] from any chat window or install [url=]RyGReg[/url] from [url=http://app.ryz…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #34: ann_bagapp_install [h3]Usage and installation[/h3]
You can run the application IG using command [color=#33e915]/appzone 1977[/color] from any chat window or install [url=]Bag App[/url] from [url=http://app.ry…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #35: ann_fameapp_install [h3]Usage and installation[/h3]
You can run the application IG using command [color=#33e915]/appzone 2132[/color] from any chat window or install [url=]Fame tracker[/url] from [url=http://a…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #36: ann_langapp_install [h3]Usage and installation[/h3]
You can run the application IG using command [color=#33e915]/appzone 2135[/color] from any chat window or install [url=]Lang App[/url] from [url=http://app.r…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #37: ann_levelapp_install [h3]Usage and installation[/h3]
You can run the application IG using command [color=#33e915]/appzone 2324[/color] from any chat window or install [url=]Level tracker[/url] from [url=http://…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #38: ann_letterapp_install [h3]Usage and installation[/h3]
You can run the application IG using command [color=#33e915]/appzone 2585[/color] from any chat window or install [url=]Letter App[/url] from [url=http://app…
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✍ Edit ⚲ Search #39: ann_bog_0 [img][/img]

[spoiler=Letter as plain text]
Dear fellow homins,

I write you this letter to announce the first public release of the Book of Guilds…
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