Character related strings

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Translators: Craftjenn, Dorothee, Kythqaaa, Moniq, Nilstilar Thorec

This is the list of strings related to selected language.

Options String key Original: English Translation: French Translator Translated
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #0: inv_AltGH_title Alt GHs GHs alternatifs Dorothee 2021-03-12, 10:50:39
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #1: inv_AltGH Alt Guild Halls Halls de guilde alternatifs Dorothee 2021-03-12, 10:50:20
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #2: inv_Animal_0 Animal #1 Mektoub A Kythqaaa 2017-09-30, 20:53:59
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #3: inv_Animal_1 Animal #2 Mektoub B Kythqaaa 2017-09-30, 20:54:09
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #4: inv_Animal_2 Animal #3 Mektoub C Kythqaaa 2017-09-30, 20:54:20
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #5: inv_Animal_3 Animal #4 Mektoub D Kythqaaa 2017-09-30, 20:54:31
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #6: inv_Apartment Apartment Appartement Kythqaaa 2017-09-30, 20:55:50
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #7: inv_Bag Bag Sac Kythqaaa 2017-09-30, 20:54:42
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #8: inv_tb_Balance Balance Équilibre Craftjenn 2020-09-25, 19:22:14
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #9: crs_char_Balance Balance Équilibre Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:43:05
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #10: inv_AltGH_hint Browse inventories of your guild and all alt guild halls Afficher les inventaires de votre hall de guilde et de ceux de vos guildes alternatives Dorothee 2021-03-12, 10:52:00
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #11: inv_tb_Bulk Bulk Volume Dorothee 2018-11-28, 11:35:22
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #12: inv_tb_Catalog Catalog Catalogue Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 20:44:51
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #13: inv_tb_Catalogs Catalogs Catalogues Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 20:45:01
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #14: inv_tb_Categories Categories Catégories Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 20:45:14
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #15: inv_tb_Category Category Catégorie Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 20:45:23
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #16: crs_tb_Character Character Personnage Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:07:02
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #17: crs_module_name Character related strings Chaines liées aux personnages Kythqaaa 2017-08-19, 09:05:44
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #18: crs_tb_Characteristics Characteristics Caractéristiques Kythqaaa 2017-08-19, 09:08:04
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #19: inv_tb_Catalog_choose Choose item category... Choisir une catégorie d'objets Dorothee 2018-11-28, 11:32:40
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #20: inv_tb_Class Class Classe Kythqaaa 2017-10-02, 20:54:55
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #21: inv_tb_Color Color Couleur Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 20:45:33
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #22: crs_char_Constitution Constitution Constitution Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:09:06
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #23: crs_skills_Crafting Crafting Artisanat Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:10:18
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #24: inv_tb_Currency Currency Monnaie Dorothee 2018-11-28, 11:34:13
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #25: inv_tb_Currency_hint currency used to pay for this offer Monnaie utilisée pour payer cette offre Dorothee 2018-11-28, 11:34:38
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #26: market_Offer_Description Description Description Craftjenn 2017-12-12, 11:31:34
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #27: rygreg_tb_details Details Détails Kythqaaa 2017-07-02, 18:03:45
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #28: crs_char_Dexterity Dexterity Dextérité Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:09:23
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #29: inv_tb_Origin_hint enable or disable column with information about origin activer ou désactiver la colonne avec les informations sur l'origine Dorothee 2021-03-12, 10:53:00
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #30: crs_sex_female Female Femme Dorothee 2018-11-28, 11:35:50
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #31: crs_skills_Fight Fight Combat Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:10:39
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #32: inv_tb_Catalog_filter Filter items by category Filtrer les articles par catégorie Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 20:46:03
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #33: crs_scores_Focus Focus Concentration Kythqaaa 2017-08-19, 09:07:39
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #34: crs_char_Gender Gender Genre Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:44:47
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #35: inv_tb_Group Group Groupe Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:25:56
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #36: inv_tb_Groups Groups Groupes Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 20:47:36
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #37: crs_char_Guild Guild Guilde Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:08:29
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #38: crs_skills_Harvest Harvest Forage Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:44:13
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #39: inv_tb_Catalog_desc_sub Here is a list of catalog subcategories. Liste des sous-catégories du catalogue Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:43:45
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #40: inv_tb_Catalog_desc_inv Here is a list of items in selected catalog category. Liste des articles de la catégorie sélectionnée dans le catalogue Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:43:54
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #41: inv_tb_HP Hit Points Santé Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:44:28
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #42: crs_scores_Hitpoints Hitpoints Santé Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:44:39
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #43: crs_char_ID ID ID Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:44:35
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #44: crs_char_Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:08:17
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #45: inv_tb_Item Item Article Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:45:03
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #46: crs_skills_Magic Magic Magie Kythqaaa 2017-08-18, 23:10:03
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #47: crs_sex_male Male Masculin Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:46:13
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #48: inv_tb_Market Market Marché Kythqaaa 2017-10-02, 20:55:13
✍ Edit ⚲ Search #49: inv_tb_Master_Skill Master Skill Maîtrise Nilstilar Thorec 2018-06-29, 21:26:06
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