Blablator API


This script gives you access to Blablator translation functions and can be used by external tools to look for translations in the whole Lang App database. Same restrictions are applied as for the original Blablator. You can use 4 parameters to manage this script.

Parameter Description Options Default value
term Insert string you wish to translate Any text string up to 70 words -
src Source language as two-letter ISO 639-1 code de, en, fr, fyrk, mateis, marund, taki, tyll en (autodetected)
dst Destination language as two-letter ISO 639-1 code de, en, fr, fyrk, mateis, marund, taki, tyll de (role-play language or first in list)
target Script target / output plain (returns plain text in UTF-8) / wiki (create on Ryzom Wiki) / blablator (display in Blablator) blablator



A: Translate "Void" term from English into French and display as plain text:

B: Translate "Désert Ardent" term from French into German and display in Blablator:
bbtor.php?term=Désert Ardent&src=fr&dst=de

C: Translate "Vier Wege" term from German into English and create on English Ryzom Wiki:
bbtor.php?term=Vier Wege&src=de&dst=en&target=wiki

Link generator
