Color codes

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This document describes color codes usage in this application. Read this to understand how colors are used and what it symbolize.

Operations log


These codes apply to all Operations log messages displayed on screen in area below the main menu bar, all messages displayed in Operations log history and background of dynamic information on dynamic application icon in AppZone.

G Green background (OK) symbolize that specific operation was successfully completed. In case of message aggregation green is used only in case that all operations were successful.

B Blue background (UPDATE) is reserved for situation when the system detects any possible update from API, however the corresponding update lock is enabled. This message offers you a way how to run the update manually.

Y Yellow background (INFO) marks those messages where system informs user about some additional details. Aggregated messages have yellow background in case when all particular messages are yellow (INFO) or green (OK).

R Red background (ERROR) is reserved for situation when any error occurs. In case of message aggregation the red (ERROR) is used every time any error occurs no matter if other operations were green (OK) or yellow (INFO). You should pay attention to the problem and optionally report the problem by the application forum thread.

Forms and filters


Form elements, as for example buttons, might use color codes as well. There exist currently four colors to visually highlight important elements for the user.

B Blue background (NEW) symbolize creation of new data. It is present in each form that creates new database records.

G Green background (SAVE) marks forms and elements that will save changes in current record(s). With green you should never lost any data.

Y Yellow background (EXECUTE) represents elements that will cause some scripts like to force cache rebuild or compute some data. Yellow marks operations that might be too difficult to be performed on-the-fly.

R Red background (REMOVE) alerts the user about elements that will cause removal of some data. The red is used to warn about data loss.



Level color codes are used every time when it includes your skill or occupation level as well as Atys area levels.

G Green (0-20) symbolize low levels up to 20. Areas are represented by a green star, your level graph color is green. Green generally means safe and suitable for newbies.

B Blue (21-50) represents second easiest group of levels. Except newbie areas (green) it means the most explored and safest space. With missions, blue area probably requires your skills to be blue (30+).

Y Yellow (51-100) represents last set of low levels. Yellow areas have level requirement of same color. Skill branches split into specific ways.

O Orange (101-150) represents the middle. It is the color of Free to play levels and all such areas are marked with orange star.

R Red (151-200) represents second highest group of levels. It symbolize advanced requirements and red-starred areas are very dangerous. Gaining experiences is getting harder and harder.

B Black (201-250) represents highest (near) master levels. Real danger and hard work.



Character fame is, besides the actual value, represented with colors as well. These color codes are used in fame graphs, to represent your fame value as well as to display NPC/mission fame requirements.

G Green (NORMAL TRADING) always represents positive fame and trading is not limited. However there might be additional requirements in case of missions or special NPC services.

Y Yellow (WEAK TRADING) represents fame values that are between -30 and 0. Trading is possible but your prices will be poor. Yellow fame represents the minimal that is usually required by NPC to even talk to you.

O Orange (NO TRADING) represents situation when your fame is too low for any trading. Also most of missions will be unavailable by the object of the fame. However you are still safe to live aside with them, they just do not like you.

R Red (KILL ON SIGHT) should warn you while this fame is really poor. The object of the fame will probably attack you on sight and there is no trading nor other services available of course. With red fame you have only few missions available.



Class colors are used to represent item and other classes or its priority. There exist 8 classes/priorities on Atys.

P Purple (REFUGEE) is the lowest class of all. Its bonus rate is 0% and represents worst class or no priority.

G Green (BASIC) is the color of all basic in meaning of class. The average bonus rate is 20% and it is the class of the worst materials/items you can forage or buy. Green importance means the lowest.

B Blue (FINE) as class color symbolize slightly better class than basic with average bonus rate at 35%. Fine materials are easy to get. Blue importance means low priority.

Y Yellow (CHOICE) is color of middle class items. Average choice class bonus rate is 50% and it symbolize medium importance.

O Orange (EXCELLENT) represents good quality materials with average bonus rate at 65%. Getting excellent materials foraged requires some effort, knowledge and skills. As for importance it mean high priority.

R Red (SUPREME) is color of best normally available materials. Items with supreme class have average bonus rate at 83%. Red priority means very high.

B Black (PERFECT) is the color of highest class ever. There is no other source of perfect class items than High Powers. For priority it represents the highest.



For the quick color reference about how much of a module is translated into a specific language, the Translations overview table in the LangApp application is using the following color codes:

G Green (DONE) is used for modules that are 100 % translated into specified language.

Y Yellow (GOOD) color tells you that the module has more than 80-99 % of strings translated into selected language.

O Orange (MEDIUM) color is used for modules with more than 60-79 % of strings translated into specified language.

R Red (POOR) color marks those modules with less than 60 % of strings translated into specified language.



Following colors are used to identify strings that are subject of localization. Colors are mostly used as string record background in a table, however in some cases (like translation hints on right side to translation form or Blablator translation analysis) these color codes might be used for the font.

Green (TRANSLATED) marks all strings that supposed to be correctly translated into specified language and are currently in use.

Yellow (FUZZY) is a color to highlight strings that are partially or not correctly translated into specified language. These translations are saved in the database but are not in use.

Red (NOT TRANSLATED) marks all strings that are missing the translation into specified language.