Atys guild statistics

☑ History of Atys guild registrations

History of Atys guild registrations



Here you can see some guild statistics based on database data. Please note that statistics includes Secret guilds as well. That means the actual list of guild you can browse by clicking a link in the statistics below will be shorter.

Guilds on Atys: ⛉ 2073 guilds 100 %
Guilds researched more closely: ⚲ 524 guilds 25.277 %
PvP friendly guilds: ⚔ 218 guilds 10.516 %
Role play friendly guilds: ⛹ 282 guilds 13.603 %
Alt guild halls: ⛬ 133 guilds 6.416 %
Private guild halls: ⚿ 94 guilds 4.534 %
Special type guilds: ☖ 183 guilds 8.828 %
Secret guilds: 👁 23 guilds 1.11 %
Language not specified: ⊖ 1675 guilds 80.801 %
 Language Used by % of total % of updated
da Danish 2 guilds 0.096 0.382
de German 66 guilds 3.184 12.595
en English 237 guilds 11.433 45.229
es Spanish 13 guilds 0.627 2.481
fr French 150 guilds 7.236 28.626
fyrk Fyrk 1 guild 0.048 0.191
it Italian 3 guilds 0.145 0.573
marund Marund 1 guild 0.048 0.191
mateis Mateis 1 guild 0.048 0.191
nl Dutch 7 guilds 0.338 1.336
pt Portuguese 8 guilds 0.386 1.527
ru Russian 10 guilds 0.482 1.908
sv Swedish 3 guilds 0.145 0.573
taki Taki 2 guilds 0.096 0.382
tyll Tyll 2 guilds 0.096 0.382

Known homins

☑ Homins data graph

Those graphs represent in which time zones known homins live and which language they prefer. Please note that only those who did select a time zone and a language in their settings are included.

Graph of homin time zones Graph of homin preferred languages

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