Guild Watchdog

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The guild watchdog tool to help you with tracking of your guild halls content. It is based on list of rules defined for each item sheet that is compared to your current inventory cache. Please note that even that guild watchdog rules are shared for all guild members, the tracking is based on your private cache and is as old as your cache is. The script will notify you when a related storage cache is older than 10 minutes.

The tool itself allows you to define several options for each item sheet, like its required quality, stored amount, guild hall where it should be placed and tracks changes of absolute amount owned by the guild. Based on this system you can see which items your guild needs to acquire or sell to make space.

Guild valuer tool is using guild watchdog rules to tell you if any of your private inventories contain any items that your guild might need. The Guild Checker is using rules to guess which operations you should do with item stacks to optimize inventories and fulfill watchdog rules.

Single and group rule management


Before you start using the tool, you should understand it as being a group tool. It is possible to manage all rules manually one by one but it is not very effective because you will probably need 1000 or more rules for your guild. You need to have guild administration rights to be able to manage guild watchdog rules. For your personal use, please use the watchdog available in the BagApp.

Single rule management


To create new rule, open Watchdog and click Add link in section menu right to title. As first step you need to find an item sheet you want to add. Use the search field to search items by given name and select from displayed results. In case a rule for such sheet already exists, you will update the existing rule instead of creation.

As next you can set several options for the watchdog rule.

Once you are done with rule options, click the button to create new rule / save rule changes and it will become part of the watchdog. You can use Edit link to adjust a rule again and the Delete link to remove a rule from the watchdog.

Multiple rules management


To make rules management faster, you can use a generator script. Open Watchdog and click Generator link in section menu right to title. The generator builds multiple rules based on parameters you set in first step. Then you will work with a created (working) list before you confirm all changes.

Step 1: Group and default values


The first step in work with the generator is to setup list of sheets you want to work with and default parameters that will be used. Check and correct following groups of options before you continue:

Item sheets


Following options helps you to select scope of selected sheets for the list of future rules.

Default rule values

Option in this section will help you set default options for all new rules. You will be able to do specific changes in the next step.

Preferred hall
This selection allows you to choose the target default guild hall where you wish to store selected items. The selection consists of dynamic list of currently available slave guild halls and following static options:

Minimal stack
This option allows you to set default minimal amount of stored items you wish to have. You can choose from following options:

Defined minimal if smaller amount owned
This checkbox will cause that the default minimal amount of each item will be forced to minimum set in the text field of the option above, in case there is less items currently stored.

Minimal quality allows you to set default required quality for all items in the future list. You can use following options:
Required quality or higher
This checkbox will cause that the default minimal quality of each item will be forced to minimum set in the text field of the option above, in case there is only lower quality currently owned.

Step 2: List of future rules


Once you have set all options, click Build the table button to get selected group of rules to manage. You can always use Start over option to drop current table and return to previous step, the main category will be kept. This step consists of two main sections you should review before you start the generator to perform changes:

Future watchdog rules


The table of Future watchdog rules gives you list of all items that were included along settings in previous step and allows you to adjust all details by each one of them. Values pre-set in the table are based on options you have set in the previous step.

All rows with a blue background belong to item sheets that do not have any guild watchdog rule at this moment. By red background are marked those sheets that already are in the watchdog rules. The very first checkbox in Create column allows you to include or exclude the specific row from processing.

Existing watchdog rules


In case there are any existing rules related to the group you are working with, this additional section is shown. Otherwise it is hidden. It allows you choose policy about existing watchdog rules.