Other guild details

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Besides the basic settings, your guild profile probably include other details based on collected or set data with relation to other subjects. This article will shortly describe all other details you can manage by your guild.

Official {Form} documents


This section allows you to insert text OOC and role-play information about your guild in all official guild languages, thus you have to specify your guild languages first to be able to use this feature. The link is located on right to the guild name on main guild profile page.

About the guild
Insert any current information about your guild up to 4096 characters per text area (one block). OOC version of these information will be available for viewers in the Info section, both versions will be (by default) included in Guild forum post export.

Guild Statement
This supposed to be short guild declaration, the basic information you wish to pass to viewers. OOC version will be displayed on title page of your guild, role-play version will become part of the Book of Guilds. Both version will be (by default) included in Guild forum post export. Each block of text is limited up to 512 characters because of limited space in the Book of Guilds.

Guild history
You can use this text to publish your guild history, up to 4096 characters. OOC version of these information will be available for viewers in the Info section, both versions will be (by default) included in Guild forum post export.

Guild administrators have additional link to a form where they can edit all guild info texts for all guild languages in both, OOC and role-play, versions. The link is located on right to the section title.



This section is passive and only displays the activity graph of the guild and allows visitors to browse full guild activity history. Members excluded from the guild members list (who already has any activity logged) will be mentioned only as unidentified members. This will hide your previous activity but will keep overall guild activity.

Known members


This script is dedicated to guild members and covers only those who were identified in the past by using the application or by import from guild API. The list will not include homins who set themselves to be excluded from the guild list in ⚒ Settings. Also the guild leader / guild editors allowed by the leader can mark members to be excluded from this list (the option is shared). You can see graph of preferred time zones and and a similar one for languages. These graphs cover only those homins who has such information set.

Part of this script is also a list of all known members along with some details. In case the guild options are set to automatic members list update (you are informed under the subsection title), then the list is probably up to date. Otherwise (manual import from guild API or guild activity tracking) the information is valid by the date of Last seen. In case the Last seen value is missing, the homin was never logged into activity log, thus never was seen online by one of applications supporting guild activity tracking.

Guild administrators have additional options displayed:



This script is dedicated to set guild relationships. It can include list of friends, enemies and also all guilds that have this guild set as Master. First two lists must be set manually by guild administrators and strictly declare your relationship to those guilds, factions or civilizations. Third list with alt guilds is created the opposite way, every alt guild had to declare this relationship in its general details. If those guilds have valid API key with information about its inventory, this information is automatically available for all Master guild members via the Bag App.

Guild administrators have additional options displayed:

Controlled Outposts


Here you can find information about guild outpost possession. This section is passive and information is based on known outpost incidents. Unfortunately the guilds API provide only information that allows you to determine the situation when the attacker successfully overtook the outpost. All other records were added by one of our war correspondents thus most of those not successful are missing.

Since RyGReg version 0.9 the system automatically tracks changes in outpost ownership. All older records were reconstructed from guild activity history or from some existing historical records. It was not possible to determine some incident locations. The history starts about end of 2016 however there are 4 incidents missing. Complete in ownership changes is since end of summer 2018.