User settings

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This document explains system of customization options. Profile settings with general personal options and automated system of Forms and filters, database register of various options.



Profile settings are the main way how to customize the application. You can change all following options by opening ⚒ Settings link in your Profile page. All these settings are shared between all applications running under same system.



You can personalize the application using following options.

Role-play options


Following options might help to make your role-play experience better.



This part is related to your guild membership. In case you are not a member of a guild, it will be ignored.

Your API key


All these options are related to your personal character API key that is required by some applications. You can create new API key using the Ryzom API application. You are allowed to insert your character key only.

Clear stored data


Here you can see summary about stored data related to your character. You can force to empty selected group by checking the box in "Delete" column. This will also remove all attached personal comments if exists. In case you want to prevent creating cache based on current API data, remember to remove your API key as well.



Here you can find various options for customization. This set generally includes all options that do not fit any other form and filter sets.

These options might include various application specific options, however following two sections are present in every case. You can access these options from top-right menu of your profile, from top-right menu of the About section or from list of Form and Filter sets in your profile.

Start options


These options are related to an application start. It may contain general application update lock and/or option to change initial section.

Operations log


These options are related to logging of your operations. Every action that is performing any data change (like update, settings change, Form and Filter change) gives you feedback in form of log messages displayed in upper part of the interface. These options affect if the history of your actions will be saved and if to aggregate messages into one line in case there is more information (messages) returned to you at once.
To browse saved log history, please navigate to Last operations part of the About section.