
Clan macFay: Known members

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Le clan macFay est un vieux clan tryker né sur les rives de la Côte-fée près de Jeniah. Marin, explorateur, inventeur ou marchand, un macFay défend toujours sa foi, son clan, ses intérêts et les Lacs.

⚠ There is not enough known guild members with known time zone or preferred language to build a graph.

Known guild members


This is the list of currently known members.

✩ Member Last seen Activity Time zone
  Ebo ⏱ 2022-05-30, 13:02:24 ⎙ 1 Activity logged   Not specified
  Ebo ⏱ 2022-05-30, 13:02:24 ⎙ 1 Activity logged   Not specified