
La Tribu Talodi: Relations

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Those guilds below claim themselves to be mastered by the guild. La Tribu Talodi

Guild Faction Civilization Religion Located Members PvP Role-play Languages Outposts Policy
⛉ Amazones des Songes ⚵ Kami ⚑ Tryker ⚵ Laws of Ma-Duk Fa Fairhaven   Tryker race or citizens ✘ No ✘ No French    - S Storage guild
⛉ Armurerie Talodi ⚵ Kami ⚑ Tryker ⛨ None or Neutral religion Fa Fairhaven   Special requirements ✘ No ❓ Optional French    - N Normal guild
⛉ Selleend May Talodi   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇ Fa Fairhaven   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇ French    - S Storage guild