
The Arcane: Relations

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Those that do not move do not see their chains. Break your chains and sever your ties to fight for your freedom and the greater good.

Alt guild halls list


Those guilds below claim themselves to be mastered by the guild. The Arcane

Guild Faction Civilization Religion Located Members PvP Role-play Languages Outposts Policy
⛉ Arcalts   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   - N Normal guild
⛉ Arcane Alts   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   - N Normal guild
⛉ The Arcane Alts   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   ⁇   - N Normal guild