
ShadoWalkers: Relations

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Live with honor,Die with honor.

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Those guilds below claim themselves to be mastered by the guild. ShadoWalkers

Guild Faction Civilization Religion Located Members PvP Role-play Languages Outposts Policy
⛉ Depravity ⚵ Kami ⚑ Zoraï ⚵ Laws of Ma-Duk   ⁇   Special requirements ❓ Optional ❓ Optional English    - N Normal guild
⛉ Evil Shadows ⚔ Marauder ⚑ Neutral ⛨ None or Neutral religion Ma Marauder Arena   Special requirements ❓ Optional ❓ Optional English  Spanish    - N Normal guild
⛉ l Vizi Vault l ⚔ Marauder ⚑ Neutral ⛨ None or Neutral religion   ⁇   Special requirements ❓ Optional ❓ Optional English  Spanish    - X 
⛉ Lumper Protection Association ⚔ Marauder ⚑ Neutral ⛨ None or Neutral religion   ⁇   Special requirements ❓ Optional ❓ Optional English  Spanish    - I Inactive guild
⛉ Wraiths Co ⚔ Marauder ⚑ Neutral ⛨ None or Neutral religion   ⁇   Special requirements ❓ Optional ❓ Optional English  Spanish    - I Inactive guild